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a October 17th, 2008

  1. Test applications at Ubuntu

    October 17, 2008 by Oğuz Yarımtepe

    You may be needing to test you computer battery life time and S3 mode like me. There is not a current tool to test S3 mode. Indeed making your computer sleep and waking at a spesific time is really easy from console. So i wrote a small script for the ones who wants to test the S3 mode of their computer. It is run like “./ somenumber”. It waits 90 seconds before entering the suspend mode then enters the suspend mode, make the computer wait at suspend mode 3 minutes and then power up.Change the DATA_DIR before running the script.

    EDIT: You will need to add this line to your sudoer’s (run sudo visudo to edit the file) file:

    yourusername ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/bash

    The other tool i want to mention is the Battery Life Toolkit. You may be wondering the total amount of time your battery will last if you use it for office applications or play game. So download bltk . To test, you may just download also the OOffice1.4 from the SourceForge site. After extracting and running “make” put the office package under “extern” directory and then run make install. When you run ./bltk -O you will see an OpenOfice simulation. When the battery finishes, it will end the simulation and you will be able to see the bltk report about the battery life time.