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October, 2008

  1. One tip and another OpenWeek

    October 29, 2008 by Oğuz Yarımtepe

    I have already read the Fridge and saw the new OpenWeek will be held next week. I checked the timetable and found really interesting topics. Planning to attend the Netbook Remix, packaging, bazaar, Python and bug fixing related topics.

    And a simple topic. If you have a problem about changing keyboard layout, like although you had changed it from GUI but is not taking effect, then try running oem-config with sudo.

  2. Test applications at Ubuntu

    October 17, 2008 by Oğuz Yarımtepe

    You may be needing to test you computer battery life time and S3 mode like me. There is not a current tool to test S3 mode. Indeed making your computer sleep and waking at a spesific time is really easy from console. So i wrote a small script for the ones who wants to test the S3 mode of their computer. It is run like “./ somenumber”. It waits 90 seconds before entering the suspend mode then enters the suspend mode, make the computer wait at suspend mode 3 minutes and then power up.Change the DATA_DIR before running the script.

    EDIT: You will need to add this line to your sudoer’s (run sudo visudo to edit the file) file:

    yourusername ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/bash

    The other tool i want to mention is the Battery Life Toolkit. You may be wondering the total amount of time your battery will last if you use it for office applications or play game. So download bltk . To test, you may just download also the OOffice1.4 from the SourceForge site. After extracting and running “make” put the office package under “extern” directory and then run make install. When you run ./bltk -O you will see an OpenOfice simulation. When the battery finishes, it will end the simulation and you will be able to see the bltk report about the battery life time.

  3. Ubuntu tips & tricks

    October 15, 2008 by Oğuz Yarımtepe

    This is a general approach to enable the fn+somekey function work.

    Lets take into consideration of fn+f1 that enables and disables my wireless adapter. I checked first the syslog output

    $ tail -f /var/log/syslog

    Use ‘setkeycodes e02c <keycode>’ to make it known

    Yours may be different that e02c. We should define a keycode for this scan code. e056 is the scancode that our kernel is detected. Open the file /usr/share/hotkey-setup/key-constants and take one the key constants that looks suitable to you. setkeycodes should be run with sudo so to try it is working

    $ sudo setkeycodes e02c 218

    $ xev

    Press the key combination to see whether your X detects the code for the keys after defining the kernel keycodes. You should see the keycodes defined for your key combination. It will be different than 218. Take the x keycode and use it at Xmodmap file.

    Create a file under /etc/X11/ with the name Xmodmap.

    Just write the keycodes you want to assign something like:

    keycode 243 = XF86Launch3

    XF86Launch3 is taken from /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB. Choose an unassigned keysymbol name. XF86Launch ones  seem ok.

    Then by using gconf-editor define a script to run. So first define XF86Launch3 at the /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command_3 value part. Then define a script path for the value of /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands/command_3. You may create a script that will enable or disable wireless under /usr/loca/bin like


    dbus-send –system –type=method_call –dest=org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.setWirelessEnabled boolean:true

    so just write /usr/local/bin/ at the value part.

    Go to terminal windows and write update-gconf-defaults to make your effects work. When you press the key combination the script will launch.

  4. saha mühendisi

    October 6, 2008 by Oğuz Yarımtepe

    Eskiden iÅŸ tanımlarında geçen ibarelerin ne olduÄŸunu pek anlamaz sanırım ÅŸu iÅŸi yapıyordur derdim. Bugün o kafamdaki muÄŸlak ifadelerden birine bir açıklık getirdim. Bir saha mühendisi ile çalıştık bugün. Saha mühendisi nedir anlatayım. Saha mühendisi sahadaki mühendistir. Bu arkadaÅŸlar mobil çalışabilen insanlar olup sorun çözerler. Ne güzel deÄŸil mi? Geziyorsun, sorunları çözüyorsun…

    Bu meslek dalının zor tarafı sıkışık zaman dilimlerinde çalışmanızın gerekebileceğidir. Bir fabrikada bir üretim yapılıyor olsun ve üretilen malda kullanılan bir malzemede hata oluşsun. O malzemeyi de size başka firma sağlasın ve olayın esas malzemesi asında o malzeme olsun. İşte o noktada ondan anlayan birinin gelip olayı halletmesi beklenir. Bu noktada sevgili saha mühendisi gelir, gerekirse uyumaz, sabahlar sorunu çözer. Kimse üretim anında bir sorun ile karşılaşmak istemez. Bunun için test ve doğrulama süreci çalışır. Ama hayat bu ya sorun olabilir her zaman. Sorun olmasa da sevgili saha mühendisi gene de sahaya inip eğitim vermek, varsa kritik sorunları helletmekle mükelleftir. Sahalarda gezmeniz işin zevkli tarafı olmakla beraber sorunu kısa sürede halledecek birisi olmanız hissi strese sokabilir.

  5. bir parti olsa da gitsek

    October 3, 2008 by Oğuz Yarımtepe

    Ubuntu Release Party

    Ubuntu Release Party

  6. Ubuntu Hardy tips & tricks

    October 3, 2008 by Oğuz Yarımtepe

    If you have a freeze problem during startup and the splash bar is not proceeding, edit the grub screen by pressing the “e” button on the keyboard and remove the “splash” and “quiet” parts from the kernel parameters to see what is going on during the kernel boot process. At my situation the problem was related with r8169 module. I had installed Ubuntu Hardy 64bit desktop edition to my laptop. When i checked the messages i realised that just after r8169 loading, boot proces was freezing. So by playing kernel parameters like adding pci=noacpi pci=nopci, somehow i managed to reach the desktop and blacklist the r8169 by adding the line “blacklist r8169”. Then recreated the initramfs by update-initramfs -u. At the next reboot the problem was removed.